Trauma Responsive Frederick continues to bring awareness to the community

Retraumatization: What Hurts?
Inga James Presenting for TRF 600×400

A few months ago, human service providers came together to use their passions to guide the Frederick County community in becoming trauma responsive through education, partnership, and advocacy. The Ausherman Family Foundation helped to facilitate the coordination of this network and continues to support its efforts.

The group launched a website, in August, which has received 700 unique visitors to the site. On the website can be found information explaining trauma informed care, published articles, common signs of trauma and how to cope. These resources are free and available to the public no matter whether you are responding to trauma, helping someone to heal, or just want to learn more.

One collaborator on this project, Inga James of Heartly House, recently announced her appointment to the Governor’s Commission on Trauma Informed Care. She joins Jessica Lertora of ZeroToThree on this commission which was approved in March of 2021. Inga will now serve a four-year term and help with goals such as increasing awareness and implementing programs for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).

The Trauma Responsive Frederick group is also drafting a survey with the County Human Resources and Workforce Development to be distributed to businesses in Frederick County. The Frederick Chamber of Commerce will be sending the survey, but they welcome all businesses to respond to the survey. It will help better inform their work and detail the needs of Frederick Countians.

If you are interested in the health needs of Frederick, register for the webinar on January 19, 2022, 2-4pm that will allow Frederick to provide input for the next health needs assessment. This event is sponsored by Healthcare Coalition. Participants will have a chance to meet with experts, talk to one another in small break out rooms, and propose solutions to key issues. Registration is required in order to attend this event. 

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