The Ranch Starting Strategic Planning

The Ranch 2 men holding puppies 300×400
Ducks from the Ranch in the house
Chickens from the Ranch

​Substance use disorder is a critical concern across the nation. Service providers and nonprofits such as The Ranch of Frederick County have been tackling this growing dilemma in unique ways.

The Ranch was founded in 1975 in Frederick, and it serves men who are recovering from substance use disorder. On its more than 200 acres of property, visitors will find a cell tower, several residential facilities, a dining hall, recreation hall, and gym. Not only do the men in recovery live here, but so do many cherished farm animals like a donkey, ducks, pigs, and chickens cleverly named Goldie Hen, General Tso, and Cluck Norris. These animals are taken care of by the men in residency and it helps them to amplify compassion and learn responsibility.

The setting of The Ranch differentiates itself from many other residential treatment facilities that are located within cities; The Ranch by comparison provides a spacious and quiet location for the men to work through their recovery.

Those men who come to The Ranch are not only working through substance use disorder treatment but are also required to complete other character enhancing activities. These other activities include life skills training, counseling, mental health screenings and treatment, and AA and other mutual aid meetings on and off campus. Currently, 38 men are making their way through this programming to help build their confidence and self-sufficiency.

Moving into the future, The Ranch wants to work with a consultant to guide the Board of Directors and new Executive Director through the process of establishing short and long term goals. A new strategic plan will allow the organization to maximize on its landscape and various assets. Goals include maintaining heat and central air for all buildings and using more of its expansive property (as only 20% of it is currently utilized).

A final step of note to improving the lives of its clients is that The Ranch is considering creating a sober house on its property. A sober house would enable men to transition from The Ranch to more independent living (while still being a part of the community on the property). The hope for the sober house also includes giving clients access to a variety of specialized healthcare needs. 

This list provides a sampling of the goals that The Ranch has for its future. Through a Capacity Building Grant from the Ausherman Family Foundation, The Ranch is hiring a consultant to help them achieve these goals in a sustainable way.

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