New Resources at the Library

Grant Seeker Books (1)

​Do you want to increase your nonprofit knowledge? Do you have questions about how to write an effective grant or about what technology can do to help your nonprofit? Then visit the library!

The Ausherman Family Foundation has a partnership with the C. Burr Artz Library to provide new and informative books to the Grant Seekers Resource Center. This is a free resource that includes a collection of books on various topics important to nonprofits in the community.

Two new books have been added to the collection. The first is “Robots Make Bad Fundraisers: How Nonprofits Can Maintain the Heart in the Digital Age,” by Steven Shattuck. This book explores and analyzes the current digital era and how that can be utilized by fundraisers.

The second book now available in the library is “How to Write a Grant: Become a Grant Writing Unicorn,” by Meredith Noble. This book inspires grant writers and provides innovative ways to sustain the passion and purpose of grant writers. It gives a 7 step break down of how to write a grant, how to write a convincing narrative, how to avoid running out of time when applying, and where to find matching funding. This book places essential tools in the hands of nonprofit professionals.

If interested in reading these books, stop by the C. Burr Artz Library!

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